We started our tour in Portland, ME with a bus tour of the city and a stop at one of the many quaint old lighthouses that can be seen up and down the rocky coast.
It is the largest city in Maine and has a population of only 60,000.
Lighthouse keeper's house
We saw many old houses, churches and businesses in Portland.
View from our hotel of sailboats in the bay.
We had another beautiful view of the coastline on both sides of the bay there.
we were ready to relax and watch the
sailboat in the bay at Belfast.
sailboat in the bay at Belfast.
Inland Maine is very rural with many small farms and timbering.
The field behind us grows low wild blueberries which are raked up for sale fresh or for processing into blueberry tea or wine and other blueberry products.
The field behind us grows low wild blueberries which are raked up for sale fresh or for processing into blueberry tea or wine and other blueberry products.
Here is a pond on another small farm where Norwegian Fiord draft horses are raised.
On to Cadillac Mt. in Acadia National Park.
The Washington Monument is faced with granite from Maine.
Marilyn considered the hiking trail down but decided it would be too much of a climb back up.
View of small islands off the coast of Desert Island on which most of Acadia Park sits.
More of the rocky coast of Desert Island.
More of the rocky coast of Desert Island.
Terry and others viewing the Atlantic from Ocean Dr. in Acadia Park.
when it builds up and blows from the hole in the rocks.
The surf was calm when we visited,
but the park ranger told us the surf is frequently 15 to 20 feet.